Custom Spec Request

For maximum control over your build

  1. Follow the link below to fill out the request form
  2. Tell us exactly which components you want, or leave it blank and we can suggest something
  3. We will email you a custom quote, bespoke to your exact requirements
  4. We'll send a payment link, then build and deliver your dream rig!
Custom Spec Request Link
  • No open-loop cooling

    Unfortunately, due to shipping concerns, we cannot send out custom loop liquid cooled PCs (e.g. hardline tubing). We can, however, use any AIO / closed loop liquid cooler

  • Give us detail!

    The more you tell us in the form, the better we can fulfil your dream spec. So if you have a specific design need, please include that in your request!

  • Build time

    Because your build is bespoke to you, it takes a little longer - 2 to 4 weeks - we'd say that the best things in life are worth waiting for, wouldn't you agree? 😉